The Online Earning Arena
Saturday, June 30, 2007
What is Hit and Run?
"Hit and Run" is the term used in the autosurf/hyip arena wherein people join the program the first time and get out when their cycle is over or when their deposit has matured.

Sometimes they are called "HAR/s" - "Hit and Runners".

Hit and runners will have no plans of re-depositing, which is one way to show program support. They are there strictly to earn. They have no intentions of reupgrading or reinvesting their earnings. They deposit and withdraw when their accounts show some earnings. They "Hit and Run".

Many programs are aware of this fact and it seriously would "kill" their programs in a much earlier stage. Program owners would blame them when their program reaches to a point of depleted funds.

To combat this, many programs implement the 50/50 rule, wherein those who request a cash-out must reinvest at least 50% of the amount they requested. This would make members avoid hitting and running the program since they can't withdraw all their earnings whenever they want to because they would need to reinvest 50%.

In this arena, it is not uncommon to see(or not see) hit and runners. At first, they would show program support by welcoming the program admin, encouraging new investors to join in. When the time comes and they see some earnings in their accounts, they would withdraw all that and they would move on to the next program. It's a strategy secretly common to those experienced investors.

That's why it is important that starting investors to this kind of arena should be well informed.

posted by admin @ 12:28 AM  
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