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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
What is an HYIP/Autosurf Monitor?
an hyip monitor and autosurf monitor What is a HYIP Monitor? What is a Autosurf Monitor? What is a monitor?

An autosurf or hyip monitor site would usually contain a list of autosurfs and hyip programs. It'll show the program status, ratings, votes, and new program listings.

monitor listing When a program owner wants to "announce" his program to the public, he "lists" it in an autosurf or hyip monitor. He "pays" the monitor site for the type of listing and then to monitor his program. People would often judge the seriousness or credibility of a program if it has a "premium listing" or paid the most expensive listing. However, it's not at all a good indication since most, if not all sites, regardless of premium or not would go down.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic The "monitor" would be displayed in the autosurf/hyip program's site. An HYIP monitor or an Autosurf monitor would indicate if an autosurf or hyip is "paying" or "not paying".
Image and video hosting by TinyPic When a member wants to announce that he has been paid or has not been paid, he can cast a vote in the monitor listing. The votes would indicate member feedback. Usually the votes would be in the form of a "smiley", and in addition the member can also add his "comments".

So are hyip/autosuturf monitors reliable?

Well, it's can be a good indication to see if a program is paying or not. However, remember that these monitors are "paid".

Moreover there are cases when programs only "pay the monitors" so that their status in the monitor will remain as "paying".

Also, it is good to note the monitor's status is not updated instantly. That means if an investor wants to search for a program to invest in, he sees one with the status "paying" only to find out hours later to find it turns to "not paying". The best way to see if a program is paying is to check the member's comments, or better yet, check forums and posts from members who are not monitor owners.

In summary, an hyip monitor or autosurf monitor is used:

  • to list an autosurf/hyip program
  • to cast a vote on a program
  • to place a comment on a program
  • to advertise
posted by admin @ 2:35 AM  
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